Dual Of the Fates: a Masterpiece

Star Wars. one of the most influential and successful film franchises of all time.  Fans have been watching Star Wars for nearing 50 years now , and they’ve gone through a rollercoaster of experiences at the hands of Lucasfilm and most recently Disney. Whether it be the original destroying of the Death Star in the original New Hope movie in 1977, or the death of the beloved Han Solo in The Force Awakens. Whatever the moment is , every Star Wars fan has a moment that they love the most and hold dear to their heart. Me personally, we’ll have to go back to the not so popular Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I believe that the Duel of Fates scene in the end of the film and the scores role in the prequel trilogy. I think that this moment and the musics evolution and meaning in the 3 prequel movies, is the catalyst of the Star Wars universe and really transcends the film it was written for.

John Williams is the mastermind behind many of the themes from film that most people can hum from memory, Jaws, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and of course Star Wars just to name a few. Every Star Wars fan knows the scene, Darth Maul, one of the few things that is universally loved from the prequels, black and red war painted face, double ended lightsaber wielding Sith Lord, is faced against the noble Qui Gon Jin and his padewan young Obi Wan Kenobi. what seems to be a simple evil vs good battle, but just as we find in the film’s title , there is more than what meets the eye with the Dual of the Fates lightsaber dual. Williams scores have this enate ability to feel as though they are these massive , almost religious experiences that seemingly have been echoing since the beginning of time, they’re just that powerful. And Dual of the Fates is certainly no exception. Darth Maul’s entrance is flanked with low bass fan fare, the rest of the sound comes in, with pumping orchestra strings, low woodwinds, the French horns, all stacking on top of each other, building the melody up and up to what I think sets this piece apart from anything else , The choir, this jarring almost frenzied choral of 80 people tiered perfectly. This choir is the most powerful thing ever heard from a film score, enough to send shivers down your spine.

Ultimately this rollercoaster of a scene is just that a rollercoaster, rising and falling taking by the seat of your pants, and finally releasing you as Qui Gon Jin being defeated by Darth Maul, and his Padewan Obi Wan avenging him by slicing Darth Maul in half. While this is one of the best lightsaber duels in the whole Star Wars universe, I think its the way this song fits into the plot and the overarching story of the prequel trilogies that makes it so transcendental.

In the first movie the plot involves young Anakin Skywalker, Qui Gon and Obi Wan find the young bound to be most powerful Sith Lord of all time on a small desert planet Tatooine. Qui Gon quickly senses that this boy has the potential to become the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, some could even say “the chosen one”. After winning a pod race, Anakin is released from his slave role, and is set off with Qui Gon and Obi-wan to become a Jedi. These plans are disrupted as when Qui-Gon returns to Coursaunt, the Jedi counsel tell him that he cannot take young Anakin as his padewan as he already has one in Obi-wan, also Jedi Master Yoda proclaims that he senses the boy’s future is clouded. Qui-Gon is displeased with this news and really plans to take Anakin under his wing against the counsel’s wishes. Obviously this plan gets cut short as he is defeated by Darth Maul, Obi-wan goes on to take in Anakin as a padewan as to continue this deceased master’s final wishes, even though he isn’t the most fond of the boy and wants to follow the Jedi counsels orders. Long story short Anakin becomes Darth Vader, if you didn’t know. Now I can hear you asking, where does Dual of the Fates come into this? In the title itself.




What I find so monumental about this piece of music is that this is the crux of the entire Star Wars universe and not many people see it. The battle between Maul , Kenobi, and Qui Gon, is the battle for the fate of Anakin Skywalker, the two fates of the chosen one are fighting physically. On one hand if Qui-Gon lives, he presumably takes Anakin under his wing and makes him become a noble Jedi such as he , but what ends up being the result on the other hand , is that Obi-Wan reluctantly takes Anakin in and we see young Skywalker develop into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. I think that the title of Dual of the Fates is so powerful within itself that the whole first movie could have been titled that.

What makes Dual of the Fates transcend the Phantom Menace though is that it is played throughout the rest of the trilogy whenever Anakin is at a cross road. For example in Episode II when Anakin finds out that the sand people have captured and tourtured his mother to death, as he races to the village on the speeder, the faint melody of Dual of the Fates being played in the background. Anakin’s fate is once again on the fence, Anakin eventually ends up slaughtering the entire village, the women, the children, like animals. But this piece of music that in the first movie represented the universe’s tussle with fate is heard in the background, if Anakin doesn’t act on his feelings of hate and fear, he isn’t going to be led further to the dark-side, instead the dark side pulls the chosen one further into it’s grasp. The song is heard once again in episode III after Anakin is officially dubbed lord Vader and is going to kill the younglings at the Jedi temple. Anakin’s fate is in constant turmoil, until the end of the Revenge of the Sith where we see the dark side fully encompass Anakin Skywalker and produce Lord Vader.

The entire original Trilogy rests on Luke’s battle with His father Darth Vader, the entire thing, thus making the Dual of the Fates Battle in episode I the most pivotal moment in all of Star Wars for me. And the score more than justifies that, the entire FATE of the universe rests on Qui-Gon’s death, without this battle, there may have never been a Death Star or an unlikely hero from Tatooine having to fight his father for the sake of the universe. This is why Duel of The Fates transcends the prequels, the entire fate of the galaxy, and cinemas most iconic villas, rests upon and is felt in this masterpiece of a score,

The Experience of People of Color in the LGBTQ+ Community

In today’s LGBTQ+ community, there lays a troubling issue that many have given voice to. POCs (people of color, who aren’t white or not only white) are treated differently, often in a negative light.

Racism, microaggressions, sexualization/fetishization, and ousting. These are just some of the things POCs face day-to-day as they continue to show pride in a community that causes them hardships along with the ones they already face in the cisgender, heterosexual communities.

For example, on the basis of gay men of color, “The racial hierarchy of desire had several negative consequences for gay men of color. First, gay men of color often reported having to ‘play the game,’ in order to find sexual partners. That is, they often engaged in sexual activity for the pleasure of white sexual partners, making their own sexual needs secondary. More damaging was the impact that sexual racism had on the self-esteem of gay men of color. Gay men of color often felt marginalized and frustrated in the larger gay community as a result of their sexual exclusion. Thus, sexual racism had both a sexual and social consequence for gay men of color.” (Han and Choi, 2018)

Social oppression can also cause health issues on individuals. Mental and physical issues are often the most documented concerns among oppressed communities. LGBTQ+ people are at a higher risk of mental health issues compared to the general population. Such as depression, anxiety, substance use, and even suicide.

People of color in the LGBTQ+ community are what led to the need for change for our rights and ways of living. For instance, the Stonewall Riots on June 28th, 1969. Two transgender woman of color, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, are credited as leading the LGBTQ+ movement that was born from the riot. However, there are white, cisgender men in the community that try to erase our history by whitewashing.

In my own experience, I’ve faced multiple issues with the LGBTQ+ community. I identify as a queer, trans man, but where I face acceptance and love from much of my community, so do I face discrimination and prejudice. I am not the ideal type of muscle, abs, and white skin nor do I want to be. However, this is often what you see on the profiles of cisgender, gay man on dating apps who will unashamedly post, “No fats, no femmes [feminine gay men], no Asians/Latinos/Black people, etc.” These are popular ones to see for example.

“When desirability is linked with race, and when certain races are ascribed greater erotic interest than others, then to be a member of an ‘unsexy’ ethnic group is to be equated with an inferior form of existence.” (Jackson, 2000)

I cannot speak for the experience of every queer or trans POC in Austin, but I, myself, have had more bad experience than good. Discrimination, racism, prejudice, transphobia, masked heteronormative views. This are just some of the issues me and my friends have faced.

“Although we all share the same oppressors, white queer folks must come to terms with the fact that they play a role in the harm experienced by Black and Brown queer folks — a problem they could stop if they acknowledge the privilege they have…” (Johnson, 2019)

These issues cause toxicity and hate amongst the community. These issues can transcend to the younger generation who may be barely coming into their sexuality and/or gender identity, and are looking for a safe space hoping to come into. LGBTQ+ youths already face issues of higher suicide rates, being four times more likely to make a suicide attempt than their peers. It’s especially upsetting for the POC youths that are hoping for the same thing, only to have to deal with disgusting behavior when also having to deal with difficulties outside of the community such as home life, school, and social settings.

While there are many drawbacks, there’s also good. The community isn’t made up of just one group, but multiple. So for my future posts, I will be interviewing fellow LGBTQ+ POCs, discussing the issues and other matters of concern experienced in the community while also talking about the hopes for the future of the community.



Peter A Jackson (2000) ‘That’s what rice queens study!’ white gay desire and representing Asian homosexualities, Journal of Australian Studies, 24:65, 181-188, DOI: 10.1080/14443050009387602

Han CS, Choi KH. Very Few People Say “No Whites”: Gay Men of Color and The Racial Politics of Desire. Sociol Spectr. 2018;38(3):145-161. doi: 10.1080/02732173.2018.1469444. Epub 2018 Jul 6. PMID: 30906102; PMCID: PMC6426121.

Johnson, G. (2019, 30 May). Opinion | White gay privilege exists all year, but it hurts the most during Pride. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/white-gay-privilege-exists-all-year-it-particularly-hurtful-during-ncna1024961.

The Boys of Fall

Card to Worthy connections lead Texas over WVU 38-20

The Texas Longhorns won their third game of the 2022 NCAA College football season on Saturday by a final score of 38-20 over the West Virginia Mountaineers. Many Austinites would say this season has a very different feeling. So how has the young team heightened the expectations of this very early season? Are the Longhorns about to take things to a new level?

The results don’t lie, as the Texas Longhorns have sustained many losing seasons throughout the last decade. Since Colt McCoy last played on the 40 acres in 2009, the Texas Longhorns have only won 5 bowl games. However, many Longhorns fans feel differently about this season. Why shouldn’t they be? It’s only a matter of time until that dark grey cloud that looms over Darrell K Royal Stadium clears up.

Heading into this new season, plenty of storylines were on the horizon. A new era of Longhorn football was about, to begin with, the debut of former five-star recruit out of South Lake Texas, Quin Ewers. Touted as the number one quarterback recruit out of high school in 2020, Quin had plenty of colleges looking at picking him up. After a short stint as the backup to the now Bears starting quarterback Justin Fields at Ohio State, Quin returned to Texas, where he began his mission to earn the starting job. After a rough first year as head coach, where Steve Sarkisian’s Texas Longhorns went 5-7, there was no seat hotter than the one that Sark was occupying.

The Texas Longhorns came into the first game of the season swinging hard as they began the campaign with a one-sided blowout. The Longhorns started their season with a dominating win over the University of Louisiana Monroe with a final score of 52-10. According to author Evan Kirschner of Burnt Orange Nation, Ewers had an average start to his college debut, completing 16 out of 22 passes for 225 yards with two touchdowns. Kirschner said, “Ewers led the Longhorn offense with a 16-of-22 passing performance with 225 yards and two touchdowns.” The season was just beginning, and Quin had made some plays that had fans optimistic as the Texas Longhorns would host the nation’s number one ranked team in the country, the Alabama Crimson Tide, the following week.

This rivalry runs deep. Like the cowboys or patriots in the NFL, if you are not an Alabama Crimson Tide fan, chances are you don’t like them at all. However, its different in the Longhorn community, as the organization is still haunted by the loss to the Tide in the 2010 National Championship game. While that game sparked Alabama’s dynasty, UT fell into a deep losing streak that has lasted nearly a decade. However, with the addition of Ewers under center, the horns came into the game ready to play.

Texas’s second season game was a rollercoaster ride as the Longhorns would fall to Alabama with a final score of 20-19. Quin played well, showing off his deep ball accuracy and poise in the pocket before he sustained an injury to his left elbow. The Longhorns sideline became silent as the medical staff responded to the injured quarterback. After Quin was escorted off the field, backup quarterback Hudson Card entered the game. In the end, the Crimson Tide’s offense was too much for the Longhorn’s defense to cover, as they would earn their first loss of the season; however, controversy began as some fans began questioning some of the officiating after the game.

One of those people would be none other than former USC star quarterback Matt Leinart. Like many longhorns faithful, the former Heisman and National Champion had some complaints regarding the officiating following Alabama’s road win. After the game, Leinart took to Twitter, writing, “Texas should have won that game. They will kick themselves watching this film. Absolutely will be gutted. Also, the refs didn’t help. I don’t like using refs as an excuse but my god sometimes it’s blatant.” Following the loss, plenty of fans were upset but optimistic for the future as the horns only lost to the number one ranked team in the nation by a single point.

After the news broke that Quin Ewers had sustained an SC sprain, backup quarterback Hudson Card would start the next two games for UT. The team would both win and lose a game under Card as the horns would beat the UTSA Roadrunners at home and lose to the Texas Tech Red Raiders in Lubbock. Questions began to arise about the reactivation of Ewers leading into Texas’s game against West Virginia; however, ESPN analyst Pete Thamel released information stating that Ewers would remain inactive on the depth chart till the Red River Rivalry game against Oklahoma. Thamel said, “A return against the Sooners would mark four weeks after Ewers was injured, with sources indicating that is the earliest he would be expected to be available to play.” Later that day, the Longhorns’ offense would dominate the Mountaineers’ defense as they would improve to 3-0 on this early season.

Whether it was narrowly losing to Alabama or putting up dominant performances against West Virginia and UL Monroe, the Longhorns have had a wild start to the season. Fans are growing impatient and want to experience a winning culture now. Only with time will the college football gods choose whether to grant horns fans their wish.


1. ) Kirschner, E. (2022, September 4). Sunday armchair QB – Texas vs. Louisiana-Monroe Edition. Burnt Orange Nation. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.burntorangenation.com/2022/9/4/23336731/texas-longhorns-louisiana-monroe-warhawks-quinn-ewers-jatavion-sanders-dshawn-jamison

2.) Machlin, T. (2022, September 12). Matt Leinart blames Alabama vs. Texas refs: Fans react. The Spun: What’s Trending In The Sports World Today. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://thespun.com/more/top-stories/matt-leinart-blames-alabama-vs-texas-refs-fans-react

3.) Thamel, P. (2022, October 1). Texas QB quinn ewers out vs. West Virginia, focuses on return vs. rival Oklahoma, sources say. ESPN. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/34700809/texas-qb-quinn-ewers-vs-west-virginia-focuses-return-vs-rival-oklahoma-sources-say


Weekend Recap

This past weekend was a whirl wind for me! I had so much to do with so many places to go and just barely enough time to do it all. So, let’s get into it:

It all started on June 24, 2022, when my mom happily accepted her boyfriend’s proposal to get married. Fast forward to September and it was time for their engagement party. Around three o’clock on Thursday Sept. 29, 2022, my roommate, Michelle, and I loaded my car with our suitcases and started our five-hour journey to my hometown of Midland Texas.

Arriving in midland at around eight o’clock, we went straight to, Kessler’s the party venue, to help set up for the celebration the next day. Once the lights had been strung and the center pieces had been perfected, it was finally time to go home and eat some dinner. My amazing big sister, Autum, made Michelle and I Birria tacos from scratch and they were the most delicious tacos I have ever eaten. After dinner, Michelle and I said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.

The next day was very fast paced but honestly one of the best days ever.

I woke up at around eight in the morning and hastily got ready for the day while Michelle was still asleep. This morning, my mom, my sister, and I all had manicure and pedicure appointments for ten o’clock, so we picked my sister up at around nine-forty-five in the morning and headed to the nail salon. The three of us had the best time laughing and catching up while getting our nails done – I miss them so much it is unreal sometimes!!

Once we got home from the nail salon PANIC set in as I realized I did not have a dress to wear to the party! You see, I ordered a gorgeous dress online from Princess Polly but mistakenly shipped it to my mom’s house instead and when I tried the dress on, you guessed it, the dress did not fit – it was two sizes too big.

Michelle and I rushed to the mall in hopes of finding anything to wear and with a little bit of luck and a lot of hope, we find a very similar dress to my original one but at least ten times better – so it all worked out the way it was supposed to. We then stop at Target to see my best friend Dezmond who works there and to get a new lip liner (if you’re not using lip liner – it’s a game changer). At around two-thirty in the afternoon we arrive back at my mom’s house, and we start the hours long process of getting ready.

By five o’clock the white hummer limo had arrived, and it was time to go celebrate the two love birds. Once at the venue, we step out to the photographer taking our pictures exiting the limo and walking into the venue – it was such a magical experience.

The venue was gorgeous; it had amazing fountains and other water features, huge sparkly chandeliers, an outdoor space with sparkly string lights and an ambience no one can forget.

That night was purely magic. We danced and laughed and loved the newly weds to be.

The next day, Saturday, was a major recovery day for everyone because we all went to bed at around three in the morning after the engagement party.

My mom’s Fiancé, and I suppose my soon to be stepdad, was so sweet and went out and got breakfast burritos for everyone in the morning and they were delicious. Once we had finished eating, we lounged around the house lazily all day until around eight o’clock at night when Michelle and I decided to round up some friends and grab some drinks.

My sister, Autum, is a bartender and server at a restaurant called Cork & Pig, so my friends and I went to see her for a quick drink before heading to a bar called Fair to Midland. It is a really cool fair themed bar in Midland that is supposedly owned by the same owners as Kung fu on west sixth street in Austin Texas.

At Fair to Midland, we meet up with some of my hometown friends and have the best time playing skee ball and going down the giant slide they have. That night we shut down the bar and went to sleep at around three o’clock in the morning once again.

The next day, Sunday, was the longest day of my life (it felt like at least)! I woke up and got myself ready for the day at around nine in the morning. I then went to fill up my car with gas and got a car wash because Michelle and I were going to leave at around 11 o’clock that day to head back to San Marcos.

Unfortunately, we noticed that one of my headlights had gone out so we had to spend time fixing that before I could get on the road. After my car had been fixed, we loaded up the car once again with our things and started the five-hour journey back to our apartment at around three o’clock in the afternoon.

Michelle and I arrived in San Marcos at around nine o’clock in the evening where PANIC once again set in when we realized we had a birthday party to go to at ten o’clock. We rushed to get ready and surprisingly showed up to the birthday celebration on time.

That night we got home at around two-thirty in the morning, and we were EXHAUSTED!

To our own surprise we had just completed a five-hour road trip, a 45-minute rushed get ready, and a full twenty-first birthday celebration of our friend all back-to-back-to-back.

Overall, this weekend was an absolute whirl wind but in the best way possible! I would not change a single thing about this weekend!

Singapore Grand Prix Recap, and how Max Verstappen can clinch his second world title this weekend.

Last weekend’s race was the first time Red Bull Racing driver Max Verstappen could have mathematically clinched his second World Championship title. Max would’ve had to win the race with the fastest lap, and Scuderia Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc would’ve had to finish eighth or lower at the Singapore Grand Prix.

See the source image

The Singapore Grand Prix is the toughest race of the season according to the drivers. Not only because it is a street track, but it is very humid and the track surface is really bumpy, making it extremely difficult for the drivers to adapt to the track, especially with the new 2022 cars. It is also the only night race on the calendar.

See the source image McLaren driver Daniel Ricciardo said “It’s the only race on the calendar where you crack your visor open during the race, and you wish you didn’t because it feels even hotter outside than in the car”.

To make things more interesting, Saturday’s free practice and qualifying session’s came along with a bit of rain. Qualifying in Singapore is very important, because it is a street track, it is difficult to overtake similarly to Monaco.

Qualifying was interesting as we saw Alpine driver Esteban Ocon get knocked out of Q1. The lap times kept improving throughout the sessions as the track slowly dried up and the teams where looking for a gap to switch from intermediate tires to slicks.

The biggest surprise of Q2 was Mercedes driver George Russell missing Q3 by 3 one hundredths of a second. Russell had been struggling with break issues since FP1 and was not able to keep up the same pace as his teammate Lewis Hamilton.

In Q3, the drivers went for it and made the switch to slick tires. Even though some corners of the track were still quite damp, most drivers made the switch to slicks to give their final two push laps.

This is where it went horribly for Max. Verstappen. Max had backed off on his first lap due to traffic, on his final push lap he was nine-tenths down and on his way to a stunning pole position lap, but on the second to last corner, he was asked to come into the pits by his engineer. Max was furious with his team, followed by a raging radio message.

This meant Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc took his ninth pole position of the year, alongside Max’s teammate Sergio Perez starting in the front row. Max would start the race in P8.

After qualifying, we found out Max was asked to box because there was not enough fuel in the car to provide a sample after the session to the FIA.

“I can’t see how much fuel is in the car, but we have all the sensors in the world to track these kinds of things. It’s incredibly frustrating, because I think we had a good car. And I think you could see that already in Q3 that the car was really good on slicks. Of course, the conditions are tricky, but I liked that. The car was working quite well.”

F1 Grand Prix of Singapore - Qualifying

Sunday’s race was delayed by an hour and a half, due to heavy rain. That sparked up the conversation of what the point is of having wet tires, as the track looked dry enough after about half an hour, but at the end of the day it is the FIA decision for the safety of the drivers.

It’s lights out and away we go, Sergio Perez takes the lead into the first turn as Charles Leclerc has a bad start, with a bit too much wheelspin. Every driver is starting on intermediate tires as the track is still very damp and conditions are still very tricky.

Max Verstappen didn’t have a great start either as he went into anti-stall and dropped back to P14 by the end of the first lap, leaving him with some work to do. At lap 11, we see the Williams of Nicholas Latifi completely crash into Alfa Romeo driver Zhou Guanyu bringing out the first safety car of the race and both drivers are out of the race.

As the drivers keep struggling for grip and trying to get a hold of the track, Max Verstappen has been able to make his way up to sixth place pulling on some incredible overtakes. Williams driver, Alex Albon misjudged his breaking point, locks up his breaks and goes straight into the wall, followed by Lewis Hamilton, who rarely makes mistakes also hit the barrier.

The second safety car will come out after AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda, also completely misjudges his breaking zone and hits the barrier at turn 10 going about 80 miles an hour. Every single Singapore Grand Prix ever hosted has seen the safety car come out.

After the safety car restart, Max Verstappen is sitting P5 behind McLaren driver, Lando Norris. Because of the safety car, the field is backed up, and because of the safety car speed, the breaks and tires lose temperature and don’t perform as well as when they are at peak temperatures.

Max Verstappen makes a bold move trying to pass Lando Norris right after the restart, locks up his breaks, and goes too deep into the corner, having to make a pit stop since the tires had flat spotted.

That drops Max back into last place into P14, with six drivers already out of the race due to crashing, or reliability issues. With 30 minutes to go, Max Verstappen manages to finish the race in P7, while his teammate Sergio Perez wins the race, leading every single lap, and possibly his best drive to this day. The Ferrari of Charles Leclerc finishes P2, followed by his teammate Carlos Sainz in P3.

For next week’s race in Japan, it is all up to Max Verstappen. If Max wins and gets the fastest lap of the race, he will become a two-time Formula 1 World Champion. If he finished first without the fastest lap, Charles Leclerc will have to finish third or lower for Max to win the championship.

Do you think Max will become a two-time F1 World Champion in Suzuka? We will find out next weekend.



What Films Can Teach Us: The Rise of an Old Parenting Style – Alloparenting

I am by no means a parent but this peaked my interest when I saw a video dissecting the parenting style in my favorite show, Bobs Burgers. In the video titled “The Philosophy of Bob’s Burgers” by Wisecrack, the parenting style of the main characters is put into focus. Linda and Bob, the parents in the show, actually use an old style of parenting called alloparenting. Alloparenting is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “an individual other than the biological parent of an offspring that performs the functions of a parent (as by temporarily caring for an infant)”.

Alloparenting in Bob’s Burgers and the Implication of this on the Belcher Children

Bob’s Burgers premiered in 2011 when the internet was more focused on the end of the world in 2012 than parenting styles. I know this isn’t everyone but my TikTok seems to occasionally give me videos on how to gental parent and then a couple more videos of older parents saying that you shouldn’t do that. It seems to me that in today’s society people are very focused on the different parenting styles and what is the best way to parent. This is very interesting and allows for us to take a look at the unusual parenting style of the Belcher parents. Alloparenting is very clear in this series, and is shown by the many adult figures in the children’s lives and the viewer gets to see how this affect the emotional development of the kids. The Belcher children have an emotional intelligence much higher than that of their peers and that is because they are exposed to a large variety of people. They learn a lot of life lessons and skills from unsuspected people. For example, they learn to be grateful for their father’s contribution to the family by Marshmallow and friends, a group of transvestites (term used within the show), and they also learn the importance of community and being helpful from the One Eyed Snakes, a biker gang. Because the Belcher kids have such a large community of adults that will care for them, they are allowed to explore and experience places they wouldn’t have. This style of parenting also allows them to grow their own moral compass and values instead of being forced into the ones put in place by their parents.  The Belcher children’s high emotional intelligence and empathy is largely based on the parenting done by the members of the community. The Belcher children are a lot more accepting of any person because Bob and Linda are trusting of the community to keep them safe. For example, the Belcher family at one point befriends a criminal Mikey. Mikey teaches the Belcher children over the course of the show that hard work and dedication can help you turn your life around. They watch as Mikey robs the bank, gos to prison, gets released from prison and then gets a job, friends, and a stable lifestyle. The Belchers also befriend a local police officer, Sergeant Bosco, in the same episode. Sergeant Bosco becomes a very important person in the Belcher children’s lives. Throughout the series when the Belcher children run into legal trouble or need law enforcement, Sergeant Bosco is there to help free of charge. This is evident in an episode where the children believe that one of the residents at a retirement community’s pearls got stolen from her nephew. Because of this type of alloparenting the children are not afraid to call this crime in and they also do not have to go through the hoops of other adults. The Belcher children befriended to people on completely different sides of the moral world but learned important lessons and gained a trusted adult in both.

Alloparenting Psychology

While you might think this is a new style of parenting it was actually the very first parenting style ever used by humans and what helped us evolve.  With the increase in working parents and the pandemic causing people to become isolated, parenting has become a big point of stress in many households. This causes a decrease in mental health in parents as well as the children. Darby Saxbe, associate professor of psychology and director of the Center for Changing Family at the University of Southern California talks a lot about this. In a CNN article she states that being isolated because of the pandemic has caused an increase in “maternal depression and anxiety, postpartum depression, and anxiety and depression among children.” She talks about how many parents try to parent their kids in the nuclear family, 1950s way but that this is actually toxic. Although the individualistic form of parenting is easier to accomplish it creates a bad environment for not only the parent but for the child. Saxbe encourages people to find a village/community of people to help parents raise their kids. Many people have the help of their own parents or siblings but it is important for the children to reach out of their own family’s values and thoughts to then develop their own unique thought process and beliefs.

Final Thoughts

After reading about alloparenting and watching a lot of Bob’s Burgers I can say that in my opinion this type of parenting is the way to go. Although it is uncommon it has many benefits and produces a well-rounded compassionate child. I find it very interesting that television and film can teach us things we didn’t even know existed and I might be wrong but I don’t think the writers though of this type of parenting when originally writing the show. What other kinds of lessons can we learn from television and film without knowing it?


Social Media Recipes For College Students


Social media is literally the use for everything nowadays. From looking up your favorite celebrities to following the news, to finding ideas for dinner and/or vacation.  Just like myself I know there’s a lot of people who rely on social media for even classes and work too. As a fellow college student, I know that getting home late from classes in school and looking for something to eat while preparing for your next day of classes and work could be stressful. That’s what I’m here for. I’m going to be finding recipes from your favorite social media sites and sharing them with you guys. the Social media sites ill be using is TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat. I find great and easy recipes for college students that’s posted being posted on there. Today I’m going to be giving you guys a few recipes from TikTok that you could make in less than an hour and be able to save them for the next day or two or however long you’ll need it for. Don’t worry either, they’re all affordable!

For our first dinner suggestion: a chicken stir-fry by @letskwook. The ingredients that you’ll need

  • Two chicken breasts
  • Soy sauce 
  • Corn starch
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Chili peppers
  • Asparagus
  • Green onion
  • Bell pepper
  • Sesame oil
  • Rice vinegar
  • Salt and pepper

First, you’re going to start by prepping the chicken breast. You’ll need to slice it to thin slices or to your liking . Once the chicken is sliced, add a few dashes of some soy sauce and a tablespoon of cornstarch to the chicken and mix it in. Add your chicken solution to a high heat skillet and cook until a golden-brown color. Remove the chicken from the skillet and place it on a plate or somewhere off to the side. Next, chop up the green onion, bell pepper, garlic, and asparagus. In the same pan that you cooked the chicken in, add some vegetable oil or cooking oil to the skillet and add your chopped vegetables.  Season your vegetables with the salt and pepper and whatever other seasonings that you like and sauté the vegetables to your liking. Once you feel like your vegetables is done, add the chicken back to the skillet with a dash of sesame oil, soy sauce and some rice vinegar. Mix up some water and cornstarch and pour that solution on top of the stir-fry and mix and cook for a few minutes. You can serve your stir-fry over some brown or white rice or just eat it how it is.


So for this next recipe, you’re going to be making air fryer pizza balls! This recipe came from @arimonika. The ingredients you’ll need:

  • Pillsbury Biscuits
  • Pepperoni
  • Mozzarella Cheese sticks
  • Crushed red pepper
  • Garlic seasoning
  • Butter
  • Dry parsley
  • Parmesan

Before we start, you need an air fryer for this recipe. First take place however

many biscuits on a piece of foil. Take a slice of pepperoni  for each biscuit and chop it up and place it in the middle of the biscuit. Next take the cheese stick and cut into a little under inch and placed it on top of the pepperoni slices. In a separate bowl, melt half a cup of butter and mix it with the dry parsley, Parmesan, and garlic together. Place that bowl to side. Pinch the biscuits corner together to form a wall with the pepperoni and cheese sticks still in the center. Once you have molded all your biscuits into balls, spread your garlic butter mixture on top of the balls. Place the pizza balls into the air fryer on 375° for 12 minutes. Enjoy!

This last recipe kind of favors the last recipe, but it’s just as delicious! This recipe is called Taco Roll by @arimonika. The ingredients you’ll need.

•Ground beef

•Taco seasoning

•Eggroll wraps

• Mexican Shredded cheese

First, you’ll start off by cooking your ground beef in a skillet until it’s cooked. Once the meat is cooked, drain it and add a cup of water and your taco seasoning. Cook until desired liking of the meat. Next, take a tablespoon of meat and placed it vertically in the middle of the wrap. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the meat. Get some water and use your fingers to seal the edges of the roll. Place your taco rolls in your air fryer on 375° for seven minutes.. Serve and enjoy with your favorite taco sauce!

That’s all the recipes I have for you guys today. Make sure to come back to see what social media site we’ll be using next time to get our easy college recipes from! Thank you and I hope you enjoy!! If you guys have any recommendations or suggestions on recipes or if you make the recipes, comment which one was your favorite to make!